Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quick update

Got a SAT call and a text message saying that all is going well aboard le Reve. They are here
You can also see the line of progress by clicking here
The information that I have so far is that rough seas forced them a little farther south than they wanted, but that the wind is expected to shift to the west which should get them some better speed, that is suppose to happen in about 2 days. The call I got tonight said that they had a great day, only low rolling waves and that they caught (and ate) a Mahi mahi. It was nice to have some fresh fish! Dad made the comment that the crew were wondering when they might be getting bored, because so far no one has! Everyone is doing well on board and Dad apologized for not sending a location update yesterday, but poor weather forced him inside before the findmespot device could get a good link to the satellites. Look for more updates soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings. Can you give a bit more background about the boat, the equipment on board, and the people on board? I'm quite impressed that a 44' boat is crossing the Atlantic, direct to Horta, alone. What is the experience of the crew? Best wishes for a great trip! - Ken W