Saturday, April 17, 2010

Departing Zwartsluis

We leave "Zwartsluis" but not until we have visited "Noah's Ark" the brain child of Johan Hubers from "Broek op lange dijk" in Holland. It took 16 months to build the 70 meter long x 9.5 meter wide, x 13 meter high structure. This because this is the max. size that can sail in Holland waters. However the real size is considered 14 times larger according to Hubers. He is working on a new "ark" of this size in Dortrecht. Our trip will take us through Dortrecht, so we will keep our eyes peeled, and blog it when we see it.

We traveled through the "ijsselmeer" and the "Markumermeer" further west to meet up with the "staande Mast" route the ("Mast up") route which goes from north to south through Holland. As it is a nice week-end day we encounter lots of sail boats.

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