Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1/3 of the way up the Danish coast

Our stop for the night was just past the bridge connecting Jutland and the island of Fyn, in the city of Fredericia. After dinner on board we went for a nice bike ride in a nearby wooded area.

A picture of the bridge by night.

and a picture by day.

It seems as though we are following spring north. The flowering shrub that is almost finished blooming in Holland is still in full bloom in Denmark.

Our destination for the day (19th of May) was Aabenraa. There was no open berth to be found here either.
So we snuggled up to the loading dock. The harbor master did not have a problem with us staying there for the night.

Passing through Sonderborg.

We entered a small marina just below the locks only to find out that there was no room in the inn!!
Finely someone took pity on us. He moved his sail boat away from the dock and let us dock, after which he came along side and tied up to us.
He called it German hospitality. We were very grateful.!!!!

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